Sonntag, 7. März 2010

how to build a "light box"

How to build in a few minutes a light box? You need some books, plate-glass and a table lampe et volia... a light box. But pay attention it'll become very hot!
I worked with my light box many drawings :)

And here some pics... ;)

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010

well, I finished with my study in Belgium. I'm a little bit sad that I can't see my friends, but I hope I can see them in the next few months. Here some pics!
The best poser ever!
Nice dessert! It was with nice cold cream inside... yammy!

currently, I'm drawing on many things at the same time! I can't decide myself what I should draw, but finally I'm doing something! YEAH! I found some old pics which I want to see it in colour.

here some impressions on my stuff: